Get Trucking

Upon completing truck driving school, obtaining your CDL, and getting your first trucking job, you may be required to go through training for your company. This training includes 1-3 months of on-road driving with a trainer. This hands-on experience is an important step to beginning a life on the road as a professional truck driver.

After the required company training you're on your own! The first few months on the road are very important in achieving long term success as a professional truck driver. Surviving your first year on the road solo can open the door to many more opportunities, such as local or regional driving roles.

Join the Community

Finally, it's time to get to work! To get yourself started, consider joining DAT's TruckersEdge.

TruckersEdge helps truckers and small to midsize fleets find shipments. As a carrier, the service lets you identify loads through search terms and allows you to select origins, destinations, distance, and time periods that work best for you.

The site also allows users to look up brokers and shippers so you can begin to form lasting contacts and job opportunities. You can also post your truck or fleet for hire, so shippers can reach out directly with their needs. Your account can be set up so when a match comes up, you are notified and can get on the road quickly.