Commercial Roadside Assistance

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24/7 Roadside Assistance for commercial vehicles

Progressive’s 24/7 Roadside Assistance is an extra coverage that you can add to your auto commercial policy. Agero, a company over 115 million drivers trust, services claims for smaller commercial vehicles, such as cars, pickup trucks and vans. Assistance could include vehicle towing, winching, battery jump-start, fuel delivery, vehicle and flat tire.

Roadside Assistance for heavy trucks is also available in select states◊◊.

What does Roadside Assistance cover?

Roadside Assistance covers up to one hour of on-scene labor if your commercial vehicle won’t run due to non-accident-related events (e.g., mechanical or electrical breakdown). Whether you are stuck in your driveway or on the road, you can get the following help:

  • Vehicle towing: We can arrange to tow your vehicle to the nearest qualified repair shop. If you choose to have your vehicle towed to a shop that isn’t the closest one, you need to pay for the extra mileage. Keep in mind, you’re responsible for the cost of any parts and/or repairs made to your vehicle.
  • Winching service: If your commercial vehicle is trapped in water, sand, mud, or snow within 100 feet of a road or highway, we can pull it out with a motor-powered cable or chain.
  • Battery jump-start: We can jump-start your battery on the scene to get you on your way.
  • Fuel and fluid delivery: Emergency delivery is available if you run out of gas, oil, or other fluids. You’ll pay for the fuel, but the service and delivery are free.
  • Battery charge for electric vehicles: If you run out of charge, we can arrange to tow your commercial vehicle to the nearest qualified charging facility. You only pay for the cost of the charge.
  • Locksmith service: We will dispatch a qualified service provider if your keys are lost, stolen, or accidentally locked inside your vehicle. You only need to pay for your keys and the cost to replace them.
  • Flat-tire service: No need to panic if you have a flat. A roadside professional can replace your tire at the scene at no cost if you can provide a spare.

You can use this coverage three times per insured vehicle every six months. We can send assistance a fourth time, but it will be at your expense.

Where is commercial Roadside Assistance available?

Commercial Roadside Assistance for light vehicles is available in all states.

Light vehicles include smaller commercial autos, such as cars, pickup trucks, SUVs, cargo/passenger vans, step vans and hearses.

Heavy Truck Roadside Assistance

We also offer Heavy Truck Roadside Assistance in select states◊◊. Whether it’s for a semi-truck or large dump truck, this coverage can help you get back to business.

Learn more about Heavy Truck Roadside Assistance or call 1-877-776-2436 to add Heavy Truck Roadside Assistance to your commercial policy.

How to add Roadside or extra coverages

online or call 1-877-776-2436 to add these coverages.